Monthly Bonuses and points system for Our Drivers
Driving a van is a challenging job. We want to help drivers of vans get a little extra so that they can grow.
We are using a group of drivers, and many of them hit different milestones, so we are setting up a monthly reachable for loaded miles and a point program for staying in service. We are happy to roll these programs out because it means that the drivers can more for the drivers so they can build their future. This will help also everyone to retain a strong relationship base and create a culture that focuses on teamwork and success.
Use your points in the STORE BELOW. or you can go to the top right of website and there is a "BM STORE" button to get you to the store. NOTE: We are always adding to the BM Store and will also take suggestions. So keep eye on the BM Store.
Below is how it basically works for a driver. A BM rep will keep you updated on your loaded miles and points every mid month and end month. To use the store you just let us know what you want with your points. We will order it and send to your desired place. We might have to update some and will keep everyone updated.
Your Total Loaded Miles in 1 month Program
5,000 to 5,499 loaded miles in 1 month - 15 Pts
5,500 to 5,999 loaded miles in 1 month - 20 Pts
6,000 to 6,499 loaded miles in 1 month - 25 Pts
6,500 to 6,999 loaded miles in 1 month - 30 Pts
7,000 to 7,499 loaded miles in 1 month - 40 Pts
8,000 to 9,000 loaded miles in 1 month - 50 Pts
Point Program - Points can be added up for 90 days. After 90 days the points go back to 0. So you need to use them. Contact for total points but we will let you know Mid Month and End of Month
If you get any violations ( Speeds, Texing or Driving Violations of any kind) No points will be given. Be safe - That simple.
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